Tuesday, December 18, 2012

MOAR Hunger Games - Katniss vs. Clove

I LIED. I’m staying awake until it’s time for me to go to the airport. Basically pulling an all-nighter to equip myself to Germany-time and ensure I pass out on the plane. SO MORE HUNGER GAMES SKETCHES IN THE MEANTIME. Here’s Katniss vs. Clove!

Monday, December 17, 2012

More Hunger Games!

Okay, last sketch before I get onto a plane tomorrow morning and sit immobile for 15 hours.  Here's Katniss towards the END of the first book, along with a uniform design, standing next to the most badass cake decorator ever, Peeta.

The Hunger Games - Katniss & Gale

I'm a bit behind on reading books, but I did manage to finally finish the first of the trilogy. I figured I'd do a quick sketch of Katniss and Gale in a calm moment before "the storm" begins.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Happy Holidays - 2012!

Happy Holidays all! Here's the design for my annual festive postcard that's sent out:

I'll be away in Germany from December 18th to January 2nd, so probably no posts until I get back. Hope you all have a Happy New Year as well!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sloppy thumbs

I tend to get excited about freelance jobs, so my thumbnails get super sloppy. Does that happen to anyone else?

Friday, December 7, 2012


So, at work, a few of us decided to try and draw some famous characters from memory, without using any references whatsoever. This is a hilarious task because as soon as I think of the character, the lines just blow away in the wind of my mind and that's when I start drawing. Some hilarious outcomes:


Monday, November 26, 2012

Beasts & Beats

In-progress sketch for the upcoming Beasts & Beats show that's...themed for Monsters and Music (or you know, beasts... and beats).

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Ever try incredibly hard to obtain a goal? You put your all into it, you do your absolute best, and in the end you fall short. You fail. Ever look right beside you and see someone obtain that goal without even really trying?

Me too.

Monday, November 19, 2012

SF Chronicle

I got a nice lil mention in the SF Chronicle this week for the art gallery I run at my full-time job. A bunch of great colleagues' artwork was shown in there as well. Check it out here!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

His name is...ATREYU.

Finished my Neverending Story piece for Gauntlet Gallery's 80s Show!

 Bonus detail shot:
I made a personal challenge not to use blue-green as a main color (goodness, that's all my portfolio is made of). I had to go with reds/purples and it was... painstakingly difficult.

If you're in San Francisco December 8th, stop on by for the gallery's grand opening! All show info is posted below:

Sunday, November 4, 2012

80s, 80s galore

New sketch for a piece I'm working on - Another 80s film gallery show which will be in San Francisco.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Zombies Can't Swim - FOR SALE!

Finally done and printed, and ready to be put into your hands! 40 pages of awesome zombie fighting action for sale in my etsy shop, available HERE!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Slime Girl

Another quickie doodle for the 30-Monster girl challenge. #3 - Slime.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Quick Man - Final?

I think I'm gonna sit on this for the next 1.5 months until the show's due date.
Quick Man, from Mega Man II,  for the Mega Man Boss Battle show.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Harpy Sketches

Studying a bit of bird anatomy to add into a harpy. There's a 30-day Monster Girl challenge, but I'm still kind of exhausted from the other 30-day drawing challenge I did. So I'm just doing some sketches over the next few weeks that go down the list and will make some finalized illustrations for the ones I feel are a lot stronger.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

sketch - Quick Man

New piece I'm working on for a Mega Man 25th Anniversary group show (online viewing will be here).

With 131 characters to choose from, I've got Quick Man!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Zombies Can't Swim

Wrap-around cover for my new 40-page comic I'm self publishing that's obviously about.... zombies!  These will be available at Alternative Press Expo in San Francisco, October 13-14. Granted, I won't physically be there, but my work will be sold by friends at tables 911-912. Hope some of you can stop by!

Friday, August 24, 2012

More Flash animations and work-related stuffs

Post-title is self-explanatory. More game-related animations and artwork I've done. No more zombie pages will be posted (until the whole thing gets printed!).

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

MORE Full-Time Job-type things

So, if you play the game I work on (go play!), there are mini-games in which you reveal puzzle pieces to earn more coins. In revealing the puzzle pieces you get a nice 'lil illustration I did for each ''machine." Each "machine" was in different art styles, so that was very fun! Here are samples of a few I created:

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Zombies - 11-17

Massive Zombie-Comic page dump; pages 11-17

Also just realized this is my 300th post on this blog. 

Full-Time Art dump 1 - flash animation and game art

So, some people may be curious as to what I do as my current full-time job: I make artwork and animations for mobile games, used on iOS, Android, and iPad!

Below are some examples of in-game screen shots for the current team I work on which is a slots game (you can download it for free, here for iphone, or here for android). Along with a mass dump of animated gifs for some select game-animations I've created.
We actually had a frame-cap; characters were set at no more than 8 frames (at 10fps) and game pieces at 6 frames (also, 10fps). Phew!

More to come soon!