Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Comicon 2008

Is over, and what a great time it was this year! It started off right as I sat on the airplane going from JFK to San Diego. The guys next to me (from Major League Gaming) were taking bets on whether I was heading to Comicon because I was sketching. My apologies goes to the guy who lost a few bucks when he didn't think so!

Day one was a good start, met up with Stephanie and Catherine, along with their old high school buddy, Alexis. Visited a few publishers in the Exhibitor's Hall to hand out the Pinky Swear comic and overall, I think it was received pretty well! The only panel I think I saw that entire day was for Minx which was awesome since Brian Wood and Ryan Kelly were there. I also met up with Stephen who literally just came back from Japan and straight to Comicon! Here's hoping he's coping with the jet lag and time zone changes accordingly! The evening ended with some really great Thai!

Day two began with the longest walk known to mankind. It was also known as looking for the end of the line to the Heroes panel. After making our way around the entire convention center and two hotels beside it, we realized we were right back where we had started and simply gave up. Here is the elusive end of the line that we finally discovered:

Afterwards, we decided we might have more luck at the Spaced panel (after seeing the end of Craig McCracken's panel on Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends and Powerpuff Girls' 10th anniversary) where Simon Pegg, Jessica Hynes Stevenson, and Edgar Wright did a fun Q&A and cheered about the fact that American TV failed to recreate their amazing British series. I cheered too!

Thanks to Catherine's impeccable eyesight, she spotted Fred Savage over at Mcfarlane Toys as we were passing by. And while he was excited to see the toys, we were excited to see how down-to-earth he was! He graciously let us take a picture with him and was real nice about it. Thanks Fred Savage!!
Here's a great shot of Stephen's reaction to our photo with Fred:

Afterwards, we decided to head out to grab a bite to eat when we noticed an Ice Cream truck, plastered with Sci-Fi's Eureka ads all over it, was handing out free ice cream. Little did we know that the stars of the show were the ones HANDING OUT said free ice cream!! It's pretty crazy to see the people whose faces are posted on the entire side of a truck right in front of you inside of said truck!

After lunch, we spotted Bruce Campbell at the Dark Horse booth (I wished I had a stick of Old Spice for hims to sign..) as well as James Duval who was incredibly nice and an all around a great guy!

The day was winding down with us giving little gifties to Giant Robot's co-creator, Martin Wong. Who was really friendly and posted a photo of us with our gifties on his blog (bottom image)! Much thanks goes out to him and the whole Giant Robot booth! At the end, some great dinner meeting up with Melody and her husband, Nicholas.

Day three - started with roaming the exhibitors hall. This was when the long days started taking their toll. I bought quite a few books, from Flight, Blue Sky Studios, Top Shelf, and Ragnar; all were signed by the artists respectively! A large portion of the day was spent relaxing while Catherine waited for a portfolio review with Nickelodeon. For dinner, we met up with Nicholas, Melody, and her family for some good conversation and great food!! The end of the night was complete with a sketch-crawl in one of the hotels around the convention center. I now have sketches from old friends and new ones in the book!

If I'm able to go again next year, I can't wait! I hope everyone had as great a time as myself!

Thanks goes to Alexis and Catherine for their photos.


  1. Aw I miss you guys. Next year I shall hopefully be at the con....if not...well...you just have to make it to Hawaii..haha. Or i may end up back on the East Coast for a visit again. who knows?

  2. wtf how did Catherine spot Fred Savage. That looks nothing like him! I'm so jealous that you saw Simon Pegg. It looks like you had lots of fun! I hate you.


    (ps: i love clicking on the handicapped button by the word verification)

  3. wow! it looks like it was so much fun! maybe i'll be able t go next year. let's cross our fingers.
