Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Grow Up

This is a personal illustration I'll be submitting to Spectrum 20 this week.

I was one of those kids who adored fantasy and sci-fi and lets just say it wasn't exactly the popular thing to be a fan of back in my childhood.  I didn't enjoy playing regular 'house' or 'dress up' as a little girl; I thought that was actually quite boring.  I wanted to be a sorceress casting spells where all of the blades of grass were actually green hands that grabbed your ankles. And I wanted to fight goblins or robots instead of gossip about boys. While growing up I definitely was made fun of for enjoying these things. I was fairly shy during adolescence as a result.

As I'm far into adulthood at this point in my life, I'm glad I never stopped enjoying these things, and I'm certainly glad I didn't let the opinions of others stand in the way of that.

Fun fact: as I'm half-Chinese, the unicorn depicted here is half-kirin, which can be considered a Chinese version of a unicorn.

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