Saturday, January 19, 2013

The 24-Hour Comic

If you don't know what a 24-Hour Comic is, it's the immense challenge of creating and finishing 24 pages of a comic within 24 straight hours. No pre-planning, no character designs beforehand, no story, nothing. The clock starts as soon as your pencil hits the paper.  This originated with one of the comic kings himself, Scott McCloud who also has posted his first 24-hour comic at the link. This was an incredible test of determination and I highly recommend trying it at least once.

 My friend Catherine, myself, and a few others tried this out ourselves yesterday as we set our own date to do it. I was on my own on the West Coast but was grateful to be connected with my East Coast pals via web-cam.

Below you can read my 24-page comic which was started at 1pm, Friday January 18th PST, and was completed 8:45am Saturday January 19th PST. I had about 5 hours to spare and spent it sleeping. (no regrets on that one). So caution: wonky anatomy, ill-perspectives, and non-existent face-continuity ahead.

Note: if the text is hard to read, I recommend right clicking and 'View Image' over Blogger's image-viewer which sizes to your web browser

 I started this off with the intention of poking humor at what goes on in someone's head when they take a shower. It took quite a serious turn at the halfway after I'd been sitting in the dark drawing for over 10 hours straight.
Hope you enjoyed this insanity!