If you live in the San Francisco, CA area, or might be visiting soon, you can view my Black Swan illustration at the Meridian Gallery! The opening reception is May 13th.
I did a Little Red Riding Hood illustration a long, long time ago. This time there was an extended time-limit for our daily sketch-jam at work. My interpretation:
You honestly didn't think she survived the attack, did you? They just made up the rest of the story so children could sleep better at night.
Still super busy (when am I not?), but here's a new piece that will be printed for Dreamworks Fine Arts Prints and sold where ever Dreamworks prints are... sold. The original choices for films to illustrate were: Shrek, Kung Fu Panda, and How To Train Your Dragon. I'll be honest, I loved HTTYD far more than the other two (Not counting that the first two have/will have multiple sequels). I felt like Dreamworks finally got it right for once; they didn't need to resort to using animals to simply replace people to make an animated film. That's just my opinion though!