It's this week's topic for Illustration Friday! and I couldn't resist because this image kept poking me in the side. Should I be worried that this was the first thing to jump out at me when hearing the word 'late'? ...Maybe not? There were many girls back in school that would hold pregnancy as a tremendously high fear. Doesn't help when I keep reading statistics that women having children in the US is just about the lowest it's been.
Awesome! Good use of muted tones conveys real angst.
great stuff! i like the way you stylize hair in your work. really nice!
really nice piece kim, one of my favorites from you.
Very clever take on the prompt, and so very well done. Great illo.
I love the stylized way you handled this piece...it's a beautiful design!
this is amazing, love your style, and your take on the theme!
From one Kim to another - really lovely. I like her flowy hair, and how well you got across her expression without showing her eyes.
Great piece!
Love your style!
I love your illustrations! Great work.
Really great. I am loving your latest pieces (as usual) and that "Fall" piece blew my mind. The colors on this "Late" piece are spot on! Your style is maturing and I am loving it.
Hope all is well!
Love the style!
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