Drawing others with ink-art is always exciting. I'm a bit envious of people who can have pierced ears or tattoos. My skin is sensitive to the point that I develop keloids, or excess scar tissue, if I'm say... punctured by a needle. I've gone to the point of constructing my own earrings from sterling silver wire so it can wrap around my ear to have it can look like I have pierced ears. ...A bit much, I know.

This was supposed to be colored for Ballistic's EXOTIQUE 3 but I never got the chance to color it. Ah well! I always like old sci-fi movies that show clothing that lights up or blinks (like that jacket David Hasselhoff wore on the Berlin Wall). I also have a bit of an obsession with masks, including gas-preventive ones.
...I guess my future holds toxic fumes when the ozone completely burns out. And light up clothing that we'll need to defend with firearms...?
I definitely dig these. Good line of action on "Tattoo". For some reason I really like the way the gas mask girl's hips are set. And the flow of the cape is really great. I would love to see this one finished.
oooh looks good. is the submission period over for that contest? color it anyways...
look I got a blogspot. :)
how do I put links to my friends sites though?
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