Needless to say, this personal illustration is generally what I feel if I dwell on the subject a bit too long. ...Or if a friend keeps asking when he's coming back. Or when someone looks at me incredulously when they're informed he's been abroad for over a year. ...Or if I see other couples holding hands and embracing one another. ...List can go on 'n on...
That is a beautiful illustration. Hold out if you can, I was apart from my honey for 8 months but we worked it out! Thank goodness for skype, email, etc.
really nice piece herbst.
Great piece! Very personal and emotional which is coming up a lot in your pieces and it works very well.
Aww, I know how that feels! This is beautiful, Kim :) And from the heart.
stumbled upon your pieces. absolutely captivating. excited to look through more
I can honestly say that I know how you feel.. I'm in the exact same situation myself! I'm in Norway, my boyfriend is in Turkey, and I haven't seen him for 1 year and 6 months.. Makes me feel a bit better to know there are others like me out there :)
Keep up the good work! I fell in love with the picture, btw!
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